St. John School
For Early Learners
Experience the Difference!

Fax: 503.585.2801
Closed today due to ice storm threat. Stay Safe!
Located in downtown Salem, Oregon
The St. John "Difference"
A note from the director...
The St. John Difference
A note from the director...

We frequently hear, "There's just something special about St. John School," not only from parents, but also from professionals in our communtiy. Several specialists from Willamette Education Service District as well as The Department of Human Services have commented that we have something that other programs simply do not.
Several times we have enrolled children who have been extremly unhappy at other centers, and even some who have struggled with severe behavior issues. Most of these children instantly settle in easily and happily with very few issues. Occasionally it will take some time for a child to adjust, but within a month or two, they too improve drastically.
I can't speak for other school's, but I can tell you that we are committed to our kids and their families. We see it as our God-given responsibility to give our kids all that they need and we take this responsibility very seriously.
It also really helps to know what you're doing! You will not find a more capable and experienced team of teachers! Along with extensive education, the three of us have 100 years of combined experience! 83 of those years were here at St. John! We have learned what it takes to keep kids safe and thriving. When a child feels safe and trusts his/her caregivers it makes all the difference! Most children do not do well in a chaotic environment where children are sometimes "out of control" and they can't easily predict what will happen next. We work hard to maintain a peaceful environment where children are happily and actively playing, but in a calm, safe manner.
Over the years we have worked hard to design a quality program that we are determined to continually improve upon. We work diligently to be consistent with discipline, and communicate with each other constantly, so that we are all aware of every child's needs.
Through it all we have become a family, and this easily translates to the kids and their families. We have a mutual respect for each other. This is a great model for our children.
Last but not least is love. Christ's love for us is so BIG and we can't help but share it with his most precious little ones. Each one is such an amazing creation and so easy to love! We intentionally show them love at every opportunity, and I believe our love for them is truly reflected in everything we do!